Toni Hanner

Toni Hanner's poems have been published in Yellow Medicine Review, MARGIE, West Wind Review, Alehouse, Calyx, Windfall, and many other literary journals and anthologies. She co-authored Moonmusic (Wellstone Press, 2000) with poet Connie Beitler, and has published a number of chapbooks, most recently All Things in their Shining Forth (redarrow, 2008). She frequently publishes reviews of new poetry books in Calyx and Oregon State Poetry Association News. She is a member of the Lane Literary Guild's Red Sofa Poets and shares her life with fellow poet Michael Hanner. She and Michael travel to Europe as frequently as possible, writing every day. Each has published chapbooks of poems arising from their travels. They sometimes write collaborative poems and enjoy performing/reading when given the opportunity.

She has mentored a number of poets over the years and leads a writing practice group that meets weekly. She has led workshops in tracking submissions and her Pass the Prompt writing exercise has gained notoriety wherever innocent writers have been subjected to it.




The Ravelling Braid